You are here > Home > Travelling in and Around Durham > Durham Cathedral Bus

The Cathedral Bus service links Durham train station and Framwelgate Waterside with the city centre, market place, Durham Cathedral and Castle.
The buses are suitable for wheelchair users and families with children's buggies.
Tickets cost £1 (50p for children 13 years and under) and are valid all day.
Journeys to or from the university will cost £1 (£1.50 return).
Bus passes are valid for free travel after 9.30am Monday to Friday and all day Saturday and Sunday.
Durham Park and Ride or Explorer North East ticket holders can travel for free.
When the Cathedral Bus runs:
Durham train station to Cathedral (40) - Monday to Saturday
Calling at North Road, Leazes Road underpass and Durham marketplace.
Radisson Hotel, Waterside to Cathedral (40A) - Monday to Saturday
Calling at Leazes Road and Durham marketplace.
Durham train station via Radisson Hotel, Waterside to Cathedral (40C) - Sunday (Summer season only until 3 November 2024)
Calling at North Road, Radisson hotel waterside, Leazes Road underpass and Durham marketplace.
40C operates a summer seasonal service on a Sunday and public holidays.
40/40A services do not operate on Sundays, public holidays or on the Saturday of the Durham Miners' Gala in July.
A Saturday timetable applies on weekdays between Christmas and New Year.
A special timetable may apply on weekends when there is a festival or other major event taking place.
To view timetable information including a downloadable PDF, please visit Cathedral Bus timetable.
Opening Times
2025 (1 Jan 2025 - 31 Dec 2025) |